What Is A VPAT 2.4 Template?
The VPAT 2.4 template is the most recent version of the voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT), and it is used to create the VPAT 2022 accessibility conformance reports (ACRs).
Like the original VPAT form, the VPAT 2.4 template includes a column for documenting a product’s or service’s conformity to each provision of the applicable standard or guideline.
The VPAT form requires manufacturers and vendors of electronic and information technology (EIT) products and services to declare their products’ or services’ level of accessibility conformance by simply selecting one of five available conformance terms: “supports,” “partially supports,” “does not support,” “not applicable,” and “not evaluated.”
Using The Conformance Terms When Filling Out The Conformance Level Column
When filling out the conformance level column in the VPAT 2.4 template, here’s how to understand the five conformance terms:
- “Supports”—used when a product or service’s functionality offers at least one criterion that meets the criteria or technical standards without flaws or without similar facilitation.
- “Partially supports”—used when certain of the product’s or services’ features do not fulfill the defined criteria or technical specifications.
- “Does not support”—used when the bulk of a product’s or service’s functions do not fulfill the established criteria or technical specifications.
- “Not applicable”—used when the set criteria or technical standards do not apply to the product or service for which the VPAT form is completed.
- “Not evaluated”—used when the VPAT ACR-associated product or service was not evaluated against that specific criterion.
How Is The VPAT 2.4 Template Different From The Previous VPAT Version?
The conformance level “partially supports” was added to the VPAT 2.4 template, replacing the previous VPAT edition’s conformance level “supports with exceptions.” This change was made at the request of US Access Board officials. The VPAT 2.4 template additionally includes a column for further clarifying each reported conformance level.
Furthermore, unlike the previous VPAT version, the VPAT 2.4 template lacks a date. To minimize confusion with the VPAT report date, the date was omitted from the document. The date is now included in the file name, and the version information is contained in the document itself, because of this new feature.
VPAT 2.4 also provides version-specific instructions, which is a new feature. It also includes a new table heading and updates to the EN 301-549 edition. The links and tables in the VPAT EU and INT versions have also been modified to conform to the revised EN 301 549 standard.
The most notable changes in VPAT 2.4 involve the European Union’s EN 301 549 accessibility standard. Other minor changes are included in the VPAT 2.4 template; however if your EIT product or service intends to reach the EU and/or worldwide markets, make sure you update your VPAT ACRs using the VPAT 2.4 template.
How To Fill Out The VPAT 2.4 Template?
The VPAT 2.4 VPAT template characteristically includes instructions for use as well as the VPAT form itself. Before filling out the VPAT 2.4 form, make sure you offer a full and honest examination of your product or service.
It is also crucial to emphasize that completing the VPAT 2.4 template is a technical process that necessitates the hiring of an accessibility specialist, either in-house or through a third-party consultant. After that, take the following procedure to fill up your VPAT 2.4 template and generate your ACR:
- Determine which sections of technical standards relate to your product or service.
- Examine each relevant part to see if your product or service meets the established standards and technical specifications.
- Choose the conformity level (see the list of conformance terms above) that best defines your product or service.
- Explain in detail how your product or service complies or fails to comply with the applicable accessibility requirement.
- Return to the summary table and document the overall degree of compliance for the product or service in each of the pertinent sections.
- Complete each line and column in the table section.
- Provide detailed explanations that support the accuracy of your responses in the VPAT form’s Remarks and Evaluation column.
- Publish the resultant VPAT 2.4 ACR on your website or make it available to anyone that requests it.
Need Help With VPAT The VPAT 2.4 Template?
You can get help on anything regarding the VPAT 2.4 template by calling (626) 486-2201 for assistance. Consultations are always free!